Honeywell Bull
GCOS 6 MOD 400
System Concepts
HB Italia Code: G9562010-200
Order Number: CZ03-02
May 1988
- Introductory Material
(9�pages, 1.5MB))
- Section 1: System Characteristics
(7�pages, 1.0MB)
- System summary
- Operating Facilities
- Software Facilities
- Section 2: File Concepts
(48�pages, 7.8MB)
- Disk File Conventions
- Magnetic Tape Conventions
- Unit record Device File Conventions
- Remote File Access
- Section 3: System Access
(25�pages, 3.7MB))
- System Configuration and Definition
- User Registration
- Accessing the System
- Menu Environment
- Command Environment
- Command Accounting
- Command Beaming
- EC abd START_UP.EC Files
- Section 4: Execution Environment
(40�pages, 5.9MB)
- Task Groups and Tasks
- Memory Mamagement and Protection
- Memory Pools
- Bound Unit Characteristics
- Swap Pool Task Address Space
- Section 5: Task Execution
(30�pages, 4.7MB)
- Central Processor Interrupt Priority Levels
- Interrupt Save Area
- Task Dispatching
- Timeslicing
- Trap Handling
- System Features Affecting Task Execution
- Task Handling
- Task States
- Intertask and Intratask Group Communication
- Deferred Processing Facilities
- Task Handling
- Section 6: Backup and Recovery
(22�pages, 3.3MB)
(pages 6-22 of this are off-center and need rescanning)
- File Backup and Reorganization
- Power Resumption
- File Recovery
- File Restoration
- Checkpoint Restart
- Glossary (48�pages, 5.8MB)
- Manual Directory (1�page, 111KB)
- Index (22�pages, 3.6MB)
digitised at 150dpi by Martin Guy <[email protected]>, February 2004